"Cain is a BL multimedia project about a biblical character descending into the world of modern conspiracy.

Cain is an old personal project of mine. As a part of the act I present it as a real brand from the 00s

It primarly grew out of a very Christian upbringing mixed with being the first in my family to quickly learn English and use it to browse the internet of the late 00s and early 10s.

Cain: the first killer, the last action hero.

Cainsploitation is about Cain, the biblical character who is referenced in the early parts of The Book of Genesis in the Old Testament. After getting his offering shunned by God he murders his own brother, Abel. Cainsploitation is also about Lucifer, the fallen angel who took the fight to God and failed.

The two cross paths in 1999 and become an inseperable duo of mercenaries with a conscience. For a small fee they'll help anyone who needs it. Shady political deals, organized crime, or even the supernatural; they'll gladly take the job.

As they descend our "end of history" world, they bump into dark truths of reality. The unreal, madness inducing depths of the endless trench of conspiracy and religion.

Style influences

Maybe someday we will be free to love.
As a young boy I became interested in art and horror, beginning Cain as a concept in my head.
I spent some time apart from the idea as I got interested in other things. Cain returned to me as I became more politically concious. 2016 was a big shift for everyone, including me. In this time frame I became pretty ardently left-wing, which became represented in my art. 2016 also marks the sudden creation of the Lucifer character.
This current period has been very good for me artistically. I feel like I'm developing my own style and my own way of expressing it. Cain is a more original creation now than he was when it started. Watch out! You'll all be cainheads soon!